What is Water Damage Restoration?

Water damage restoration is the process of repairing and restoring water damage to a home or property. It is also known as water remediation, water removal, water extraction, water mitigation, and flood cleanup. The process begins with water extraction, which involves removing water from carpets, floors, and other surfaces in a building or house. Professional water extraction tools such as truck-mounted water pumps and water vacuums are used to remove the water.

The next step is water remediation, which focuses on cleaning and repairs that lay the foundation for the final restoration. This process ensures a dry and hygienic environment that serves as a clean base for returning a property to its pre-loss state. In simpler terms, water remediation is the process of cleaning, drying, disinfecting, and restoring any damage caused by the accumulation of unwanted water in a home or business. Water mitigation is the first step in a process that addresses water damage.

It prevents further damage from occurring and involves water removal, moisture control and structural drying. Reconstruction is the process of restoring a home or business that has been damaged by a flood, storm, a broken pipe, an electrical fire, a buildup of sewage, and other types of water damage. ServiceMaster NCR provides comprehensive restoration services that include an initial assessment of water damage, thorough removal of all excess moisture, and final disinfection with advanced chemicals. Each project progresses from mitigation to restoration through these five steps of water damage remediation:

  • Water Extraction
  • Moisture Control
  • Structural Drying
  • Cleaning & Disinfection
  • Reconstruction
Technicians work quickly to prevent water damage from spreading to other areas of your home or business.

Flood water poses a threat to any wounds or open cuts you may have when wading through flood waters or cleaning up the aftermath. The best way to find out if water damage is covered in your policy is to check with your insurance company. Water damage restoration is an important process that can help protect your home or business from further destruction. It is important to hire professionals who are trained in this field to ensure that the job is done correctly and safely.

Therese Lamkins
Therese Lamkins

Proud social media scholar. Passionate food scholar. Infuriatingly humble zombie maven. Evil entrepreneur. Professional social media evangelist.

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